My parents passed away without legitimate wills. I and my two younger brothers are three siblings and all are married. One of the brothers had the ancestral property transferred to his name without the consent of the other two. He did this with misrepresented facts through the forged will to the Municipal authorities and got the transfer of property by dubious means. What are the legal options for the remaining heirs?
you will have to challenge the succession certificate on the basis of the forged will in the civil court on the grounds that the will is forged and we are also the legal heirs. in the ancestral property even a WILL cannot be made because u have the share in it by birth. raise objections before the Municipal corporation also who has amended the revenue record mentioning that this being the ancestral property and in the absence of any bequeath made by you and your other siblings, entire property cannot be mutated in the name of one son only.
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you will have to challenge the succession certificate on the basis of the forged will in the civil court on the grounds that the will is forged and we are also the legal heirs. in the ancestral property even a WILL cannot be made because u have the share in it by birth. raise objections before the Municipal corporation also who has amended the revenue record mentioning that this being the ancestral property and in the absence of any bequeath made by you and your other siblings, entire property cannot be mutated in the name of one son only.