Schizophrenic spouse


Hello Legal Eagles,

I am 46 year old. My wife is schizophrenic, from before marriage. I have been taking care of her, to the point that i lost my job and exhausted my savings. She even beats me up. Her relatives do not want to look after her owing to her aggressive and violent nature. They insist there is nothing wrong with her, although she has this mental problem.
From the legal point of view, what precautions should i take to protect myself from legal trouble, if she does self harm or harms some random person?

Answer ( 1 )

  1. The legal precautions that you need to take is to keep her medical prescriptions record in a proper way. when you take her for the regular visits with the doctor, mention regarding the suicidal tendencies as well so that the doctors can testify if required. Keep the police informed if she tries to commit suicide. best way would be to get her admitted in a mental care institution.

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