Want some help and advice to vecate the tenet from my home.as due to lock down i could not go and do registration this year.I have already given notice or 1.5 month last week only.So jsut wnatvto make sure tht the tenet will leave the home by mid of dec.


Want some help and advice to vecate the tenet from my home.as due to lock down i could not go and do registration this year.I have already given notice or 1.5 month last week only.So jsut wnatvto make sure tht the tenet will leave the home by mid of dec.

Answer ( 1 )

  1. IF the rent agreement was during the course of the lockdown and could not be renewed but the parties by their act and conduct continued with the terms of the contract so laid down, the same is valid as per the rent laws and if the tenant does not leave the premises after getting due notice then in that circumstances, it is advisable to sent a notice of eviction followed by eviction suit before the rent control authorities if the property is situated in urban area.

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