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Category : Divorce

Divorce related legal questions

Hi, We got married recently around just 1 month, due to some words fights, my wife went to her mother home and she is not coming home for more than one month now. When I called them they are using harsh words ...
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After living separately for 5 years, I got divorce recently. Having custody of 7 year old son, with temporary custody/visitation arrangement for husband monthly and few days each during vacations. I didn't ask for alimony also, not taking maintenance for ...
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Ammoroccan girl mariad with indian man now almost 3 years we have 2 children. Hasband hes not responsible he have girl freind he will stay night together am living with his mother shes doing so bad to me am asking ...
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My husband works abroad and left me in india. We had personal fight in which I said you are mentally torturing me and all because of your family. I told are you expecting me to do suicide while I was ...
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