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Category : Divorce

Divorce related legal questions

I am 28 female staying separate from my husband since last 1.5 years due to abuse and mental harrassment.i m doing job and earning in a different city .now I am in love with my colleague. We want to stay ...
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Hello Legal Eagles, I am 46 year old. My wife is schizophrenic, from before marriage. I have been taking care of her, to the point that i lost my job and exhausted my savings. She even beats me up. Her relatives ...
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Hi, just wanted to get legal advice on below: My husband sent me divorce petition and hearing date is next week on cruelty ground. I am working women earning more than him. Also my councelling is on going in women cell. ...
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Hi, I'm in a relationship and he belongs to another religion, and my father conducted my nikah (i haven't signed anywhere) and I'm not started to live with him too. Do I need to get a divorce to marry him ...
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I was a Muslim when I got married having 2 kids (sons) from the beginning we had so many misunderstanding and she is living with her parents. My father is a Hindu and mother Muslim my sisters are ...
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Wife selected rental house for us..but then ran away with daughter and not coming back since 4 filing DV emotional abuse case and asking residence order for my parent's house where I do not live NOR have any legal ...
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