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Category : Divorce

Divorce related legal questions

I am being constantly threatened with career destruction and threats of menace in terms of loss of face by my first wife and her children. I had to leave her in the face of constant bickering due to total incompatibility ...
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I have a mentally unstable wife . She is harassing me since last 10 years. Her behaviour and conduct are extremely bad. I have a adorable daughter who is 11 years old. Examples of her insane behaviour are — Since ...
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I got married in Sep 2019 with the condition that they have to accept me and my dog. They said yes and refused to bring the dog once the wedding got over. I felt betrayed still I let it go. ...
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my daughter has married in 2013 and got one boy child in 2014. now her husband filed a case for divorce and child custody on the ground she is suffering paranoid psychosis. the cour has given temporary injuncion order child ...
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