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Category : Civil

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Late Chabi Rani Biswas gift deeded her land to her husband & children which later on gift deeded to 3 sons viz Subrata Biswas, Asish Biswas & Bijan Biswas. So the owners of the land is these 3 persons. Now ...
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We live in a joint property with families living at their portion which were assigned originally without any mention or legal ownership. They have legal heir certificate. One family is selling their portion to a 3rd person. After they sell, ...
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1.A portion of our land was acquired in 1968 for laying drainage line with out paying adequate compensation All of a sudden local body with highhandedness has razed the compound wall and constructed a road for general public Please let ...
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Hi Sir, This is regarding to property claim when a proper family agreement is present between deceased head of family and his children. Head of Family has 8 Children of them 2 are his sons & 6 are his daughters. Due ...
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My wife was hindu and she converted into Islam with own will then we did nikah and it solemnised by Qazi with nikahnama affidavit and statement or both groom and bride. if after 1 year we go to SDM office ...
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I and my wife both senior citizen stay alone in apartment. From last one year the upper floor occupiers is harassing us by making loud sound on their floor and their children's are playing heavily so that we get continuous ...
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