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Category : Consumer Law

Get online legal advice for consumer law from expert consumer law matter lawyers

Hi, My husband taken sbi life insurance policy. I am nominee/wife. He was died 2years ago. We don't have children's. To claim policy money,i have submitted all required documents to sbi life after husband's death. My in laws send letter ...
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Dear Sir, I hope to get training and job Joined Training center on 21/06/2022. At the time of joining we had a discussion that by paying Rs 2,50,000/- they would hire me in 6 months. 2,50,000/- was to be paid in ...
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Can builder ask court to allow him to refund the buyer in installments- the principal, interest, litigation expenses and agony expenses. If yes, what counter arguments can I tell the judge to force him to pay me in ...
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Coaching institute insisted to pay an advance to book seat for Class 11 long before completion of Class 10 final. We were uncertain about which stream my son will take in future. But as they have insisted to book ...
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I am mother of physically challenged son aged 47 years, who is also a medical negligence victim and I am fighting his medical negligence case for the past 18 years. This medical negligence case has gone through two round of ...
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1. Can builder ask court to allow him to refund the buyer in installments - the principal, interest, litigation expenses and agony expenses. 2. If yes, what counter arguments can be told to the judge to force ...
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I have bought a book written by managing director of a corporate company and scanned the whole book and circulated it in whatsapp to my colleagues. Now that corporate company came to know about this and threatening about copyright infringement ...
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