End of service benefit calculation


Dear Sir,

The Employer is in Singapore hired Indian man to manage their business at Saudi Arabia. Employee(Indian) provided service 5.7 months . Employer offer letter was in email where it was indicated end of service benefit is 8.30% So The Employer calculated End of servcie benefit Yearly Salary x 8.30 % . Employer just considered 1 year not the whole period service provided. But Employee belive that the calculation should be as follows : Total period of service provided (5.7 months) x yearly salary x 8.30% Employer doesnot agree with this calculation and refused to accept. Kindly advise what are remedies available to the employees. Thank you in advance .

Best Regards,

Answer ( 1 )


    Make a representation to the employer who is based at Singapore to pay the required money. If he doesnt then you would be required to issue a legal notice to him claiming the legitimate due from the employer and if the employer fails to do so then in that case a legal action as per the terms of the contract can be initiated which would be like arbitration or filling a case in the singapore court under the labour laws applicable in Singapore as the employer is based out at singapore or the case can also be filed at Saudi Arabia if the law so permits considering that the employer has a branch office at Saudi Arabia.

    For proper advice, kindly contact the team at Instalegal and share the details of the contract entered between you and the employer and the communication between you both for better understanding of the facts.

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