Hey sir during lockdown my small factory is completely shutdown n due to high businesses loss but employ say paid full salary others wise take legy action plz suggest


Hey sir during lockdown my factory completely shutdown n large loss of business , N employees say paid full salary otherwise take legal action so plz suggest what to do

Answer ( 1 )


    The employees cannot force you to pay full salary however it is advisable to pay them the basic pay and if you are not able to pay then you can tell them that it will be paid once the work is resumed. Furthermore, they cannot recover the amount from you forcefully however they can file for insolvency of your company. For a proper advice, you need to discuss the entire factual scenario with the team at Instalegal because the details of the company is necessary and other peculiar information as to the number of employees, skilled or unskilled worker etc. Contact the team directly through chat or other modes available on the website.

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