Multiple Registrations for the Same Society


It is a leased premises of a public sector undertaking. Constructed a church on this place in 1992. Wherein four groups (denominations) worship on Sundays according to the time slots allotted to them. The four groups are : 1.Roman Catholic (worship timing : 0730 – 0930 hrs); 2.Inter-Denominational Congregation (worship timings : 1000 – 1230 hrs); 3. Church of North India (worship timings : 1630 – 1830 hrs), the fourth group does not exit now.
The problem is now and always with the second group (ie) Inter-Denominational. From 1992 onwards owing to problems, court cases and internal fightings, it is getting registered with Registrar of Societies with furnishing different addresses. Of late, since 2011 it has been registered as ‘Christ the Saviour Sangham” and in 2017 somebody usurped it and registered as “Christ Saviour Sangham” by deleting the word ‘the’ and now in March-2021, the same people at same place with same worship timings registered as “Christ the Saviour Sangham, Ukkunagaram”. Lakhs of rupees of funds getting blocked in the banks during their tenures and getting misused by some.
Can multiple registrations be allowed for same place of worship at same timings with same people?

Answer ( 1 )


    It may not be multiple registrations, the name may have been amended. So first find out the same from the Registrar’s office. Multiple registrations cannot take place. The earlier ones have to be cancelled for the new to be registered. File RTI and get all the facts and information.

    If the fund is being misappropriated, your remedy is to file a complaint before the Registrar of the Society where the Church Society is registered.

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