My Grandfather died in 1935, father in2016, mother in 2015, father’s sister died in 1993. My Father is survived by a son & a daughter.After 9.9. 2005 HSA act , can the HEIRS of father’s sister claim the right in the ancestral land?


My Grandfather died in 1935, father in 2016, mother in 2015, father’s sister in 1993.
My Father is survived by a son & a daughter.
After the 2005 amendment in HSA , can the heirs of father’s sister, now claim their right in ancestral land?

Answer ( 1 )


    Was there any kind of deed or Will by your grandfather qua his property?
    If the father and daughter both are not living when the said amendment came into force then in that case the amendment is not applicable and the heirs of the daughter cannot claim anything.

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