Request for advice about property law


Respected Sir,

I am muslim and wouldlike to ask you help with my situation ,My monther received house(3.305cents/1440SQft)
from her mother And my my mother purchased another plot and constructed a house.
we are 4 brothers.I am elder.My2 younger brothers registered 50+50 in constructed house on their names
with an agreement to share the inherited house to me and to another brother almost 10 years back.
In the inherited house My mother lived in one portion and off portion another brother is living.
Recently my mother passed away without making any will or registering the house in our names.
Inherited house property tax and electricity bills were used to pay on my mother’s name.
But one of my younger brother secretly mangedand
,changed electricity bill and property tax on his daughter name without knowing any body when
mother was ill and on bed.Now both younger brothers demanded for 4 shares in inherited property.

Kindly advise me about my options.

1.What are my options?
2.How is it possible to change names in electricity bill and property tax officially on her
grand daughters name without selling without registration and without others sign.
if my brother used fake documents or bribe concerned department authorities
how to move further.My younger brother who did this
change is Govt employee.

Your help is highly appreciated in this regard.

Thank you

Answer ( 1 )

  1. First check the revenue record as to whose name the property is moving on at present.
    Property tax and electricity papers shows only possession of a person currently and doesnt show that the person paying the property tax is doing so being the owner having clear marketable title.

    Inspect revenue records and contact a lawyer through the whatsapp number given on the website for further guidance after getting all the facts.

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