Secgio 138 of NI Act Ask a question and you will be sure to find an answer!
I have filed complaint under section 138 of the N. I Act inwhich notice was issued the accused and he put an appearance in the court. On his appearance the court released him on bail and directed him to deposit 20 % of the cheque amount with in 60 days from the date of order. Now if he not deposite the amount then his bail would be cancelled or he has another remedy. what is the latest position of law as under section 143 A there is nothing mentioned about the consequences for not complying with the order passed in sectom 143A of the act.
Answer ( 1 )
If he does not deposit the amount, the bail will be cancelled and he will have to seek bail again. meanwhile, the case will proceed further and court will record the evidence from your end. the interim compensation which is directed by the Court is to be recovered as per Clause 5 of the Section 143A which clearly provides that the same can be recovered treating the present compensation as fine under section 421 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.