Unjustified Termination from Company without a valid reason


I got hired by an IT company in New Delhi for a work from home project. My date of joining was April 12th, 2020. Unfortunately, in a month on May 10th, 2020. I received a  email from HR department stating that I have failed on the criteria of performance of the client.When I asked for a detailed explanation for I was not satisfied with their answer, I didn’t receive an email from them also. Please suggest me some legal remedy.

Answer ( 1 )


    Firstly raise the issue with your employer as regards the shortcomings. Analyse your appointment letter as regards the terms and conditions. Were you on probation?

    Secondly you can issue a legal notice if you are not getting paid for the month you have worked with the company.

    Ur employment is purely governed from the terms of your appointment letter and the bye-laws if any followed in recruitment by the respective IT company.

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