What should I do?


I am being constantly threatened with career destruction and threats of menace in terms of loss of face by my first wife and her children. I had to leave her in the face of constant bickering due to total incompatibility and when she rejected my appeal for a mutual divorce. She threatened me with death and I did not have the ability to fight back either with money or law. So I bunked and now after 17 years on the run and in constant fear, she has got hold of my address. She now uses her children to threaten me with terrible loss of face. what should I do?

Answer ( 1 )

  1. You can lodge complaint your wife and pray for protection from police. Since you do no want to live with your wife then she cannot forcibly ask you to stay with her. At the most your wife can avail legal remedy against you by fling domestic violence 498 A adultly etc but she cannot harm you as such. Approach your area police station and file a complaint against your wife for the threats being imparted to you. n

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