Wife torchers and pressurizes for every thing


My wife is demanding for living separately from my parents with a reason saying she want to work and be independent. But this reason is actually trained by her family. Also moving out from my parents will put me in econamic crisis as rent in Bangalore and home maintaince. Now she also says no for a child and has went to her parents house to make me starve. Can i know pls know how to proceed further. Also i am scared they may put a dowry and harasment case just to blackmail me, my parents are aged, 60 and 58yr old, how do i protect them from false cases?

Answer ( 1 )

  1. It is advisable to file a Section 9 petition i.e. Petition for Restitution of Conjugal rights. you can simultaneously approach the police and inform regarding the wife conduct and seek help from the women cell requesting them to counsel the wife for not pressurize for living separately from the parents. This would be a proof against any false cases if any filed by your wife to pressurize. further, the moment false cases are filed, you should consider filling for divorce because such tools will then be employed by your wife to get things done her way for the rest of your life.

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