Will – Affidavit


My father’s grandfather was managing a small temple as “Continued exclusive adverse possession of trusteeship” from 1916 as an individual Trustee. Its private and family temple. He was written a registered Will and appointed my father as Trustee of the temple and related property in 1964. My father was managing the temple and related property as Trustee after his grandfather’s death. My father expired 15 years ago and currently I am (Younger son) managing the temple along with my family members. My father have not done property division before his death. Can I have a legal valid document which can appoint me as Trustee for the temple after my father. I learnt from one of senior member in the family that there is way we can obtain Affidavit signed by Chief Judicial magistrate. Could you please elaborate the process and step to have a valid document. I do have copy of 1964 Will, my father death certificate, heirship certificate etc.

Answer ( 1 )

  1. The appointment of the manager is through the terms/rules etc mentioned in the trust deed made for the management of the temple. if as per the clauses in the trust deed, the appointment is be through heirship, on the basis of that, file a civil suit through an advocate in the district court where the property is situated and seek declaration that you are the manager in the proper legal way as per the clauses of the trust deed etc.

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