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This informational video will talk about one of the aspects covered under mental cruelty recognized by the Supreme Court for granting divorce on the ground of mental cruelty i.e. Threats of suicide given by the wife. It has become a tool in the hands of the wife to get things done in their way without realizing the mental impact it can have on the husband. The relationship break and only way after sometime to save yourself is to file for divorce.

Many wives are not aware about this legality that as per Indian Penal Code, attempt to commit suicide is a punishable offence under section 309 as well. The Hon’ble Supreme Court has held in its decision reported as Narendra v. K.Meena that if suicide threats or attempts to commit suicide are constantly given by the wife then it amounts to mental cruelty and divorce on such ground is available to the Husband. The video has also discussed the solution as regards the best course of action to be taken by the husband when such attempts to commit suicide or threats of committing suicide are given by the wife.

The team at InstaLegal in the recent past has been put so many questions relating to only one issue as to what is to be done if the wife is giving constant threats and life has become miserable. So in this post, the Lawyers expert Team at Instalegal have tried to suggest the ways out.

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