About instalegal
INSTALEGAL'S is on a mission to be the largest one-stop legal department for businesses of all sizes & offer economical & easily accessible legal services to individuals. We have some of the best minds & passionate people from technology & legal domains working with us to build process-oriented systems to offer the highest quality legal solutions. Our services include legal consulting, contracts & agreements, mediation, dispute resolution, Trademark, IP & Business Setup. We believe technology is yet to play its part in the Indian Legal System and that’s where we are headed to make legal services less cumbersome and accessible with a click of a button.
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I have a start up plan , online financial helping platform need legal procedures to setup
Laptop Replacement and service denied
एक इकरारनामा 2014 मे किया गया जिसमें पहले Y को भूमि X को 6 महीने में उपलब्ध करवानी थी उसके बाद X कोअपनी भूमि Y को सोपनी थी। परन्तु Y ने एक साल तो क्या आज तक भूमि का एक टूकड भी न दिखाया और ना ही दिलाया। एक साल बाद 2016 में X ने नोटिस द्वारा इकरारनामे को समय मियाद समाप्त होना बता कर उसे शून्य कर दिया। परन्तु Y ने नोटिस के 4 साल बाद specific performance का केस 2020 में कर दिया। जो आज भी चल रहा हैं। सवाल यह है कि क्या X section 55 of contract act के तहत हर्जाना व शून्य इकरारनामा का केस करके प्रताडित करने का केस Y पर कर सकते हैं क्या?यदि हां तो क्या अनूतोष होना चहिये। और कितनी कोर्ट फीस होगी। कृपया मार्गदर्शन करे।
After my Father’s demises my mother and sister don’t want to handover me any documents related to my Father. Also they don’t want to give me will copy. Right now my step mother is whole owner of my father’s property and then I am owner of all the property and belongings. But intentionally my sister don’t want to give me any documents. Kindly suggest, what legal help I can take from court to get all the documents?
divorce rules
We have done court marriage in 26th October,2020. But we officially married on 17th May,2022. I am from open caste and my spouse is from ST cast, we are from Surat, Gujarat.I just came to know about this scheme. I want to know if we are now eligible for Intercaste marriage Scheme or not?
False notice by contractor without any agreement
Land Acquisition Compensation Dispute
i have received a notice without my name on it, how can i verify whether it is fake or real ?