About instalegal
INSTALEGAL'S is on a mission to be the largest one-stop legal department for businesses of all sizes & offer economical & easily accessible legal services to individuals. We have some of the best minds & passionate people from technology & legal domains working with us to build process-oriented systems to offer the highest quality legal solutions. Our services include legal consulting, contracts & agreements, mediation, dispute resolution, Trademark, IP & Business Setup. We believe technology is yet to play its part in the Indian Legal System and that’s where we are headed to make legal services less cumbersome and accessible with a click of a button.
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My wife is a Kendriya Vidyalaya Teacher since 1993 on regular basis. Before joining KVS she took employment and rendered services to JNV (Lawhar Navodaya Vidyalaya) as regular teacher from 12.03.1991 to 23.11.1993. Meanwhile she applied to KVS through proper channel from parent employer JNV and received appointment letter from KVS. She submitted resignation and cleared all the dues and got NOC and finally joined KVS on 27.11.1993. She submitted the request to count her past services rendered in JNV as above duration 2 years 8 months 12 days as per the Gov. office order related to Mobility of Gov servants one organization to another after furnishing Technical Resignation. The appeal has been rejected as assigned the provision of Rule 17 of Central Civil Services (Pension) Rule 1973. For my understand this provision has no relevance as she was absorbed as regular teacher for both the organizations. Kindly see the merit of this case and suggest the course of action. Regards. A B Chaudhuri 9425534964 Kolkata
What are the requisites for filing a petition under order 39 rule 2a? . in this particular case, plaintiff has violated the injunction & status quo order during the pendency of injunction order. The plaintiff has broken the lock & latch of defendant’s bedroom and has forcibly taken possession of the same during the absence of defendant Is human witness essential during final hearing ? Is CCTV camera footage not sufficient to prove the case. Pl send your legal advice at the earliest.
Seller is unwilling to transfer the ownership of vehicle
Hi.i and my wife have purchased property on loan from bank on coownership as names of both husband and wife.i wish to remove my wifes name from that property as we are likely to get divorced.what are legalities?property loan is still not paid but just started to pay.we both are doctors.am i liable to pay her half amount to get her name remived?
Received a legal notice from employee demanding money for not servicing notice period.
Loss of Vehicle on Police Custody
Partition Suit
Husband trying to Partition Property
Withdrawal of maintenance case after the interm maintenance order
Sir! I was working in psu my annual salary above 8 lakhs.But my parents annual income is less than 1 lakh.I was married.Should I eligible for OBC NCL.Revenue department officers said that you are belongs to creamy layer only.They are considering family income.Now what should I do?