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Category : Cirminal

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one person taken amount from us construction of his building by providing his plot papers as security . Now he claiming that he doesn't return money as his building construction delayed
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I am a married person and i made a huge mistake since few months i was in touch of another boy he knows everything about my married life and never met him personally and now i don't want to talk ...
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Hello, I want to know if it is legal to create or to be a part of developing team that create adult/mature video game that is published on USA based website? It doesn't contain any sexual violence/child pornography content and ...
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Illigal relationship with another girl , they both are cheating us
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My ex-boyfriend asking for money he gifted me appliances & furniture for my new flat when we were in relationship. He is very toxic in behaviour, though i was compromising that but later his behaviour became worse so I had ...
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