Civil Defamation case


I stay in a gated community and a flat owner. Recently I faced an issue with the MC where I was denied access to the terrace due to the installation of solar and rain water harvest. I have written my grevinance on society app and I was called by the MC thru a Show cause notice. When I appeared to the MC nothing concluded as it turn into a fight and they threatened me for a legal action. If they send me Defamation notice with a false allegations what I am suppose to do.

Answer ( 1 )


    If a defamation notice is received then you are required to reply the same through an advocate. The contents of the legal notice received as regards defamation would need to be seen before giving you the best advice as how to proceed further however in the scenario that the terrace was not allowed to be accessed then you may make a complaint to the Sub-registrar where the RWA of the society is registered.

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