How to secure your property?


If the head of the family has abandoned the family and left home, and his kids n wife are maintaining the home and paying taxes n bills for last 15+ years and there is no hope for the man to come back, what grounds do we have to claim the house even when the home was purchased by him. Property tax and electricity bills are all on the name of kids n mother since 15+ years but the house is registered on the his name.

Answers ( 2 )


    If the property is in the name of a person who hasnt been heard for more than 7 years then a suit for declaration can be filed in the Court seeking a declaration that this person has not been heard for more than 7 years and hence he be declared dead legally. After such a declaration has been obtained, necessary transfer application can be made for getting the mutation and other things done on the name of his legal representative which is in your case would be your mother since she is alive. For any other specific query, kindly contact us via chat, call or whatsapp.


    I agreed with the reply posted earlier. But after getting d declaration you have to applied for succession certificate in the name of legal heirs of deceased. Thereafter field an application for transfer of property.

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