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Category : Service Matters

Get online legal advice for Service law from expert service matter lawyers

I am doing some research and I want to collect some data about the local weather near a Lake. The equipment I want to setup is about the size of a small shoebox with a one foot antenna. Is there any ...
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We have done court marriage in 26th October,2020. But we officially married on 17th May,2022. I am from open caste and my spouse is from ST cast, we are from Surat, Gujarat.I just came to know about this scheme. I ...
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I am Group A officer in Defence,Government Of India.Initially I have appointed in adhoc..through interview board 2000 have filed case in allahabad has given order of regularization in 2001.department had moved to highcourt against this order.after 14 ...
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I filed a WRIT petition in the honourable Allahabad High Court against the biased recomputation of the DPC. The subject DPC committee member had violated several DOPT guidelines and wrongly interpreted its promotion policy because earlier I pointed out a ...
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I worked at an organization in Andhra pradesh and recently resigned from my position. During the job interview, they offered me the role of a training manager under the RADDIS project. After two months, they provided another offer letter for ...
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