

Does there any chance of bieng arrested if false divorce case has been registered against my family?? How to prove my innocence??

Answers ( 2 )


    No one gets arrested in a false divorce case. But if the case is related to domestic violence, the chances are the persons against whom the FIR is registered, the police can arrest them and before the arrest if you come to know that the FIR has been registered then file for a anticipatory bail petition before the court.

    • hello
    •  There is no such chance to arrest a person in false divorce case , the only way is to prove your innocence is file a petition in court on grounds of cruelty by your spouse convince the court that false divorce  case file against you by providing strong evidence for example whatsapp chat , any photograph , witness etc
    •  you can also file defamation case which follow section 499 of IPC against your spouse

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