My question is with regard to the legal rights of my illegitimate child.


My question is with regard to the legal rights of my illegitimate child. I was having an affair before my marriage. My girlfriend did not tell me that she got pregnant and she left for Canada with her parents. Our communication was not proper. Now I have been married for 6 years and she was visiting India with a child and came to meet me. And now she tells me that the child is mine. She is not ready for the paternity test. What implications will it have if the child is actually mine? And can she file for rape?

Answer ( 1 )


    If she is refusing to have paternity test that would also mean that the child may not be yours. However she cannot now file for rape because the child seems to be quite old. The legal rights of ur child would be with regard to the self acquired property. What needs to done firstly is to find out if the child is actually urs or not.

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